Data and Privacy

At Batai, we take your security and privacy very seriously, so here we clearly detail what we do with your data.

Easy and clear

We do not use your data


We encrypt all stored data using variable key algorithms of 2048 bits. Not even we can access your information.

Do we share the data?

We do not share your data or information with third-party companies nor do we sell the data. The data is exclusively yours.


You hold the rights to all information uploaded to your account. You do not grant us any rights over it. Only your agents will have access to it.

Model Training

All our models are pre-trained with external data, and when an agent is trained with the information you provide, it remains isolated from other agents and models.

Do we listen to the calls?

Of course not. Calls are transmitted over encrypted channels and follow fragmented routing to prevent interception.

Data Deletion

You can request the deletion of all your data at any time. When you delete your account, we will also delete all your information.

Solve any doubts

We will be delighted to answer them

We are at your disposal

If you have any questions or comments, we are here to respond to you.